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Fifth International Students’ Ecology and Environment Forum

                                                                                                   ——Ecological Civilization and Low-Carbon Transition


Second Announcement

一、主论坛议程安排 Agenda of the Forum



In order to further deepen the idea of ecological civilization, accelerate the green and low-carbon transition, achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and provide domestic and foreign students with a learning and exchange platform for cutting-edge progress in the environmental field, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Society of Environmental Sciences and the Ecological Civilization Education & Research Branch of China Higher Education co-host the 5th International Students Ecology and Environment Forum (ISEEF), which is jointly organized by the School of Environment of Beijing Normal University, the Office of International Exchange & Cooperation of Beijing Normal University and the Environmental Education Branch of Beijing Society of Environmental Sciences .

The Fifth International Students’ Ecology and Environment forum is scheduled on December 3-4, 2022 (Saturday and Sunday). The opening ceremony will be held in Beijing Normal University at 9:30 a.m. on December 4, 2022. Due to the epidemic situation, the event will be conducted in the form of an online global live broadcast.


Date: December 3, 2022

0900 - 1700

参会人员签到 Sign In


Link and QR code to sign in:



Date: December 4, 2022


Link and QR code to live broadcast site of the opening ceremony:


0930 – 1000


Speeches by BNU representatives and Special Guest


Shen Zhenyao, Dean of School of Environment, BNU


Wu Yujun, Director of Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of BNU


He Kebin, Director General of Ecological Civilization Education & Research Branch of China Association of Higher Education, Fellow of Chinese Academy of Engineering


Xu Yuan, President of the Professional Association for China’s Environment (PACE)


Xu Linyu, Session Chair, Chair of Environmental Education Branch of Beijing Society for Environmental Science, Vice Dean of School of Environment, BNU

1000 – 1130

特邀嘉宾主旨报告 Keynote Speakers Presentation

加拿大工程院士Ed McBean 教授

Dr. Edward McBean, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering

那不勒斯费德里科二世大学Carlo Gualtieri教授

Carlo Gualtieri, Professor of the University of Napoli Federico II.


Tian Xin, Session Chair, Vice Professor of School of Environment, BNU

1130 – 1330

午休 Lunch Break

1330 – 1730

线上分论坛 Online Sessions


闭幕颁奖仪式 Closing and Awards Ceremony

、特邀主旨演讲 ISEEF-2022 Keynote Speakers


报告人Ed McBean 教授

基本信息Edward McBean教授,1968年获得不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UBC)学士学位,1973年以优等成绩获得麻省理工学院(MIT)博士学位。2003年被授予加拿大水安全和供应一级研究主席。Edward McBean在圭尔夫大学任教直到2017年,之后则成为圭尔夫大学水安全研究领导讲座教授。由于在水安全领域做出的贡献杰出,Edward McBean教授当选加拿大工程院院士。此外他还获得了加拿大工程学院颁发的K. Y. Lo奖、Julian C. Smith奖、安大略省专业工程师颁发的研究与开发奖等。特色研究成果主要包括归趋与转换模型在水资源中的应用、水系统的脆弱性评价、废物管理和温室气体排放方面,主要是通过数据统计、环境中化学物质和病原体的归趋与转化分析以及风险评价等方法来确定供水风险的特征及机理。出版学术专著3部,在学术期刊上发表了400多篇论文,在世界各地的科学会议上发表了500多篇论文,参与七十多个国家的水安全问题研究。

Title: Sustainability of Water, One of the Most Important Challenges for the 21st Century

Speaker: Prof. Ed McBean

Introduction: Dr. Edward McBean received his BASc from University of British Columbia (UBC) in 1968, and his PhD (Magna Cum Laude) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1973. In 2003, McBean was awarded a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Water Security and Supply, which he held at the University of Guelph until 2017. Subsequently, he has been University of Guelph Research Leadership Chair Professor, Water Security. Ed is also a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. The honour recognizes individuals who perform beyond normal engineering practice and contribute in exemplary ways towards their respective disciplinary fields, and to the wider community. Ed is also a recipient of numerous additional awards, including the K. Y. Lo Award from the Engineering Institute of Canada for demonstrating Canadian expertise to the world, the Julian C. Smith from the Engineering Institute of Canada for achievement in the development of Canada, the Research and Development Award from the Professional Engineers of Ontario, etc. In that context, he relies upon statistical interpretation of data, fate and transport of chemicals and pathogens in the environment, and risk assessment, to determine how features of water supply risk may arise. Hence, there are dimensions of a number of features including climate change and fate and transport modeling as applied to water resources phenomena. In addition to the above, Ed also has extensive experience in waste management, and greenhouse gas emissions as contributory to global climate change. Ed has published three books, edited 17, published more than 400 papers in the refereed journals and presented more than 500 papers at technical meetings around the world. Ed has been involved in research in water security issues in more than seventy countries.


报告人Carlo Gualtieri 教授

基本信息Carlo Gualtieri 教授,那不勒斯费德里科二世大学工程与建筑结构系教授,环境建模和软件(Elsevier)编委会成员,环境流体力学(Springer)编委会成员,国际环境建模与软件学会(iEMS)会员,国际水环境工程与研究协会(IAHR)成员。95ISI期刊的审稿人,担任美国、澳大利亚、西班牙、伊朗等国家的博士论文顾问和外部评审员,同时担任多国研究资助机构专家评审员。发表学术论文240篇,包括92篇科研论文,122篇会议论文,以及25篇与河流水力学和环境流体力学计算相关的参考论文。出版多部水力学相关著作,参与组织了环境流体力学会议,研究主要涉及环境河流水力学、环境流体力学、两相流实验、供水网络管理与环境风险评价等领域。

Title: Mega-rivers under the global change: some field observations from Amazon, Congo and Orinoco

Speaker: Prof. Carlo Gualtieri

Introduction: Carlo Gualtieri, Professor in Environmental Hydraulics at the Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture (DIST) of the University of Napoli Federico II. Prof. Gualtieri has 240 peer-reviewed scientific papers, including 92 publications in scientific journals, 122 publications in conference proceedings, and 26 other refereed publications in subjects related to environmental and fluvial hydraulics and computational environmental fluid mechanics, experimental investigations of two-phase flows, water supply networks management and environmental risk. He is also co-author of 2 textbooks on Hydraulics and author of a textbook on Environmental Hydraulics. He co-edited the books Fluid Mechanics of Environmental Interfaces (Taylor & Francis, 2008, 2012 2nd Edition) and Advances in Environmental Fluid Mechanics (World Scientific, 2010). He is since 2006 member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Modelling and Software (Elsevier) and since 2008 of Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Springer). He contributed as Reviewer for more than 95 ISI Journals and as advisor and external examiner for Ph.D. thesis in foreign countries (Australia, Spain, Iran, The Netherlands, USA). He co-organized since 2004 the Environmental Fluid Mechanics session at the International Environmental Modelling & Software Society (iEMSs) biennial conferences. He is also active as expert reviewer for research funding agencies in several countries. He is member of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and of the iEMSs.

、分论坛议程 Agenda of Panel Sessions


Carbon Peak Carbon Neutrality & Green Finance and Environmental Governance


Session Chairs: Zhan Jinyan, Meng Fanxin

腾讯会议号 Tencent Conference No.:405-200-098


Green High-Quality Development & Green Finance and Environmental Governance分论坛评委:毛显强、田欣

Session Chairs: MaoXianqiang, Tian Xin

腾讯会议号 Tencent Conference No.:938-104-786


Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Restoration


Session Chairs: Yang Yu, Li Anjie

腾讯会议号 Tencent Conference No.:740-137-173


Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Restoration


Session Chairs: Guo Xuejun, Liu Shaoda

腾讯会议号 Tencent Conference No.:661-216-336


Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Restoration


Session Chairs: Chen Jing, Liu Xingang

腾讯会议号 Tencent Conference No.:513-918-948


Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control and Ecological Restoration


Session Chairs: Li Yingxia, Shi Jianbin

腾讯会议号 Tencent Conference No.:759-675-308

、参会事宜及注意事项 Note for Participants

1)口头报告 Oral Report




All students making an oral presentation during the forum should prepare a PPT and a speech for about 12 minutes. Please don’t overrun your allotted time. There will be 3 minutes for Q & A after each presentation.

To facilitate interactions, it is recommended that a brief introduction of the speaker’s research field and personal profile be included in each speech.

To ensure smooth progress during the forum, please prepare PPT in advance, download Tencent Meeting and complete the internet connection test with the sub-session volunteers.

2)旁听 Listener




There will be no registration fee.

The audience may watch the opening ceremony and take part in the interactive discussion via a live broadcast link (or by scanning the QR code below).

The Tencent Meeting numbers for all sessions have been published. The audience should download Tencent Meeting in advance in order to participate in sessions of interest and interact with speakers. Please behave politely throughout the forum.


Contact Us:


Address: Room 205, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University

Telephone: 010-58805835

Email: envlxs@bnu.edu.cn; internationalforum@163.com


For details about the forum, please follow our WeChat public account and join the WeChat group ISEEF 2022:
