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LIU Shiliang
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LIU Shiliang

  • Curriculum Vitae

    First Name: Shi-Liang

    Family Name: LIU

    Date of Birth: June, 1976

    Degree: Doctor

    Title: Professor

    Address: No.19, Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing



    Basic information

    Shiliang Liu, male, professor and PhD supervisor of School of Environment, Beijing Normal University. The research interests mainly include landscape ecology, restoration ecology, environmental impact assessment and planning. He has won a first prize of Chinese Education Ministry (Ranking third) and a second prize of natural science (Ranking fourth). In addition, he has published more than 160 papers (more than 60 SCI-indexed), edited a monograph and subedited two textbooks. Meanwhile, four projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, over 10 provincial projects and other 20 projects have been chaired by professor Liu.


    Research Interests

    1.Landscape Ecology

    2.Ecological effects of major engineering projects (dam construction and road ecology)

    3.Restoration Ecology

    4.Environmental and Ecological Planning


    1993.09-1997.07, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, B.S. in Soil Science and Plant Nutrient

    1997.09-2000.07, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, M.S. in Environmental Engineering

    2000.09-2003.07, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, Ph.D. in Ecology


    2003-2006, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Lecture

    2006-2015, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Associate Professor

    2007- present, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Doctoral Supervisor

    2009-2010, Cornell University, Visiting Scholar

    2015-present, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Professor

    Teaching Information

    1.Basic Practice of Environmental Science (undergraduate)

    2.Landscape Ecology (undergraduate)

    3.Landscape Ecology (graduate)


    More than 30 projects (chaired or participated)

    1.The National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program): “Influence of major project disturbance on ecological network and control countermeasure”(2016-2019) (Leader )

    2.The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program): “The study on response mechanism of urban landscape and water environment and controlling method” (2016-2020) (Research backbone)

    3.The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Program): “The study on ecological risk and safety regulation mechanism of dam project” (2009-2013) (Research backbone)

    4.National Key Technology R&D Program of China during the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period: “The study on key technologies of eco-environmental evaluation index for organic industry” (2014-2016) (Leader  of subproject)

    5.National Key Technology R&D Program of China during the Twelfth Five-year Plan Period: “Comprehensive protection and sustainable utilization of biodiversity in Alpine Grassland” (2012-2014) (Leader of subproject)

    6.The Nonprofit Environment Protection Specific Project of China: “Technology and method of quantitative assessment of ecological environmental impact of water conservancy” (2012-2014) (Leader of subproject)

    7.The Nonprofit Environment Protection Specific Project of China: “The study on ecological monitoring and comprehensive management of the National Nature Reserve in the alpine desert” (2012-2014) (Leader of subproject)

    8.National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program): “Ecosystem Changes in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region and Transboundary Eco-security of Southwest China” (2004-2008) (Research backbone)

    9.The National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Blueprint for sustainable management of watershed ecosystem in China: international seminar based on global experience” (2011-2011) (Research backbone)

    10.National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program): “Regional ecological effect and development of road network in the representative ecological fragile region in West China” (2009-2012) (Leader)

    11.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Coupling mechanism of edatope and vegetation degradation and restoration in arid valley” (2006-2009) (Leader )

    12.National Key Technology R&D Program of China during the Eleventh Five-year Plan Period: “Protection engineering and landscape ecological reconstruction technology in consolidation area” (2008-2011) (Vice-Leader of subproject)

    13.National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program): “Regional eco-security pattern and mechanism of eco-degradation in Upper reaches of Yangtze River” (2000-2005) (Participator)


    Shiliang Liu, Qinghe Zhao, Shikui Dong. Research on Quantitative Impact Assessment Technology of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Environmental Science Press, China, 2016

    Shiliang Liu. Research on Road Landscape Ecology, Beijing Normal University Press, China, 2016

    Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, Xinqing Shao, Xiaoxia Huang. Restoration Ecology, Higher Education Press, China, 2009

    Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, Jinyan Zhan. Comprehensive Practice of Environmental Science in The Field, Beijing Normal University Press, China, 2011

    Zhifeng Yang, Shikui Dong, YujunYi, Shiliang Liu, Xinan Yin. Ecological Risk Simulation and Safety Control of Dam Project, Science Press, China, 2015

    Cuibao Shan, Yangzhi Feng, Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu. The Interaction between Major Project Construction and Regional Ecosystem Change in The Longitudinal Range Gorge Region, Science Press, China, 2009

    Shikui Dong, Xiang Zhang, Shiliang Liu, Jianbin Shi, Xiaowen Li. Ecological Monitoring and Comprehensive Management of The Altunshan Nature Reserve, Environmental Science Press, 2015

    Journal Articles

    More than 160 papers (more than 60 SCI-indexed)

    [1]Qi Liu, Shiliang Liu*, Haidi Zhao, Li Deng, Cong Wang, Qinghe Zhao, Shikui Dong. The phosphorus speciations in the sediments up- and down-stream of cascade dams along the middle Lancang River. Chemosphere, 2015, 120: 653-659.

    [2]Shiliang Liu*, Haidi Zhao, Xukun Su, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Xiang Zhang. Spatio-temporal variability in rangeland conditions associated with climate change in the Altun Mountain National Nature Reserve on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau over the past 15 years. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 67-75.

    [3]Chen Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Shikui Dong, Sylvie Isange, Qi Liu, Nannan An, Xing Li. Spatial and seasonal dynamics of organic carbon in physically fractioned sediments associated with dam construction in the middle Lancang-Mekong River. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15(11): 2323-2333.

    [4]Shiliang Liu*, Nannan An, Juejie Yang, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang, Yijie Yin. Prediction of soil organic matter variability associated with different land use types in mountainous landscape in southwestern Yunnan province, China. Catena, 2015, 133: 137-144.

    [5]Shiliang Liu*, Xuku Su, Shikui Dong, Fangyan Cheng, Haidi Zhao, Xiaoyu Wu, Xiang Zhang, Junran Li. Modeling aboveground biomass of an alpine desert grassland with SPOT-VGT NDVI. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 2015, 52(6): 680-699.

    [6]Xukun Su, Shiliang Liu*, Shikui Dong, Yong Zhang, Xiaoyu Wu, Haidi Zhao, Zhenzhen Zhao, Wei Sha. Effects of potential mining activities on migration corridors of Chiru(Pantholops hodgsonii) in the Altun National Nature Reserve, China. Journal for Nature Conservation, 2015, 28: 119-126.

    [7]Zhao, Haidi, Shiliang Liu*, Shikui Dong, Xukun Su, Xuexia Wang, Xiaoyu Wu, Lei Wu, Xiang Zhang. Analysis of vegetation change associated with human disturbance using MODIS data on the rangelands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 77-87.

    [8]Su, Xukun, Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, Yu Wu, Haidi Zhao, Xiang Zhang, Jin Weng, Lin Tang, Xiaoyu Wu, Peng Hou. Changes in rangeland cover associated with livestock grazing in Altun National Nature Reserve, northwest Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 97-105.

    [9]Li, Yuanyuan, Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, Huakun Zhou, Qingzhu Gao, Guangmin Cao, Xuexia Wang, Xunkun Su, Yong Zhang, Lin Tang, Haidi Zhao, Xiaoyu Wu. Seasonal changes of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in different types of alpine grassland in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2015, 80: 306-314.

    [10]Tang, Lin, Shikui Dong, Ruth Sherman, Shiliang Liu, Quanru Liu, Xuexia Wang, Xukun Su, Yong Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Yu Wu, Haidi Zhao, Chen Zhao, Xiaoyu Wu. Changes in vegetation composition and plant diversity with rangeland degradation in the alpine region of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 107-15.

    [11]Wang, Xuexia, Shikui Dong, Ruth Sherman, Quanru Liu, Shiliang Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Yu Wu. A comparison of biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships in alpine grasslands across a degradation gradient on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 45-55.

    [12]Zhang, Yong, Qingzhu Gao, Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, Xuexia Wang, Xukun Su, Yuanyuan Li, Lin Tang, Xiaoyu Wu, Haidi Zhao. Effects of grazing and climate warming on plant diversity, productivity and living state in the alpine rangelands and cultivated grasslands of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Journal, 2015, 37 (1): 57-65.

    [13]Yuanyuan Li, Shikui Dong, Shiliang Liu, Xuexia Wang, Lu Wen, Yu Wu. The interaction between poisonous plants and soil quality in response to grassland degradation in the alpine region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Plant Ecology, 2014, 215 (8): 809-819.

    [14]Wang, Xuexia, Shikui Dong, Qingzhu Gao, Huakun Zhou, Shiliang Liu, Xukun Su,  Yuanyuan Li. Effects of short-term and long-term warming on soil nutrients, microbial biomass and enzyme activities in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2014, 76: 140-142.

    [15]Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Liding Chen, Junran Li, Shikui Dong, Haidi Zhao. Landscape network approach to assess ecological impacts of road projects on biological conservation. Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, 24(1): 5-14.

    [16]Cong Wang, Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Qi Liu, Juejie Yang. Road lateral disconnection and crossing impacts in river landscape of Lancang River Valley in Yunnan Province, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2014, 24(1): 15-27.

    [17]Shiliang Liu*, Yuhong Dong, Li Deng, Qi Liu, Haidi Zhao, Shikui Dong. Forest fragmentation and landscape connectivity change associated with road network extension and city expansion: A case study in the Lancang River Valley. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 36: 160-168.

    [18]Shiliang Liu*, Cong Wang, Juejie Yang, Qinghe Zhao. Assessing the heavy metal contamination of soils in the water-level fluctuation zone upstream and downstream of the Manwan Dam Lancang River. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2014, 14: 1147-1157.

    [19]Haidi Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Shikui Dong, Xukun Su, Qi Liu, Li Deng. Characterizing the importance of habitat patches in maintaining landscape connectivity for Tibetan antelope in the Altun Mountain National Nature Reserve, China. Ecological Research, 2014, 29 (6): 1065-1075.

    [20]Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang. Soil degradation associated with water-level fluctuations in the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River Basin. Catena, 2014, 113: 226-235.

    [21]Li Deng, Shiliang Liu*, Qinghe Zhao, Juejie Yang, Cong Wang, Qi Liu. Variation and accumulation of sediments and associated heavy metals along cascade dams in the Mekong river, China. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2014,.

    [22]Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Qinghe Zhao, Juejie Yang, Cong Wang. Landscape connectivity dynamics based on network analysis in the Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, China. Acta Oecologica, 2014, 55: 66-77.

    [23]Qi Liu, Shiliang Liu*, Haidi Zhao, Deng Li, Cong Wang, Qinghe Zhao, Shikui Dong. Longitudinal variability of phosphorus fractions in sediments of a canyon reservoir due to cascade dam construction: a case study in Lancang River, China. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(12), e83329.

    [24]Juejie Yang, Shiliang Liu*, Cong Wang, Li Deng, Shi-kui Dong. Forest pattern dynamics and landscape connectivity changes in the Manwan Basin after dam construction in the Lancang River, China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 2013, 10(1): 77-83.

    [25]Shiliang Liu*, Qinghe Zhao, Minxia Wen, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang. Assessing the impact of hydroelectric project construction on the ecological integrity of the Nuozhadu Nature Reserve, southwest China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2013, 27(7): 1709-1718.

    [26]Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Cong Wang, Li Deng, Shikui Dong. Effects of water-level fluctuations and land use type on heavy metal accumulation along a dam reservoir, Southwest China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22: 1118-1125.

    [27]Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang. Longitudinal distribution of heavy metals in sediments of a canyon reservoir in Southwest China due to dam construction. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185(7): 6101-6110.

    [28]Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Shikui Dong. Evaluating the influences of the Manwan dam and climate variability on the hydrology of the Lancang-Mekong River, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2013, 18(10): 1322-1330.

    [29]Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Zhifeng Yang, Qi Liu. Determining the influencing distance of dam construction and reservoir impoundment on land use: A case study of Manwan Dam, Lancang River. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 53, 235-242.

    [30]Shiliang Liu*, Yuhong Dong, Li Deng, Qi Liu, Jun Wang, Xilai Zhang. Effects of different terrace protection measures in a sloping land consolidation project targeting soil erosion at the slope scale. Ecological Engineering, 2013, 53 (4): 46-53.

    [31]Cong Wang, Shiliang Liu*, Qinghe Zhao, Li Deng, Shikui Dong. Spatial variation and contamination assessment of heavy metals in sediments in the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2012, 82: 32-39.

    [32]Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang, Zhifeng Yang, Juejie Yang. Landscape change and hydrologic alteration associated with dam construction. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2012, 16: 17-26.

    [33]Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Shikui Dong, Juejie Yang, Cong Wang. The effects of dam construction and precipitation variability on hydrologic alteration in the Lancang River Basin of southwest China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2012, 26: 993-1011.

    [34]Qinghe Zhao, Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Zhifeng Yang, Shikui Dong, Cong Wang, Zhaoling Zhang. Spatio-temporal variation of heavy metals in fresh water after dam construction: a case study of the Manwan Reservoir, Lancang River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184: 4253-4266.

    [35]Jinpeng Li, Shikui Dong, Mingchun Peng, Xiaoyan Li, Shiliang Liu. Vegetation distribution pattern in the dam areas along middle-low reach of Lancang-Mekong River in Yunnan Province, China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2012, 6(3): 283-290.

    [36]Jinpeng Li, Shikui Dong, Zhifeng Yang, Mingchun Peng, Shiliang Liu, Xiaoyan Li. Effects of cascade hydropower dams on the structure and distribution of riparian and upland vegetation along the middle-lower Lancang-Mekong River. Forest Ecology and Management, 2012, 284: 251-259.

    [37]Shikui Dong, Jinpeng Li, Xiaoyan Li, Shiliang Liu, Qinghe Zhao. Impacts of geo-physical factors and human disturbance on composition and diversity of roadside vegetation: A case study from Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve of Southwest China. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(72): 16228-16235.

    [38]Shikui Dong, Lu Wen, Shiliang Liu, Xiangfeng Zhang, James P Lassoie, Shaoliang Yi, Xiaoyan Li, Jinpeng Li, Yuanyuan Li. Vulnerability of worldwide pastoralism to global changes and interdisciplinary strategies for sustainable pastoralism. Ecology and Society, 2011, 16(2): 10-32.

    [39]Shiliang Liu*, Li Deng, Qinghe Zhao, Stephen Daniel DeGloria, Shikui Dong. Effects of road network on vegetation pattern in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. Transportation Research Part D, 2011, 16: 591-594.

    [40]Wei Fu, Shiliang Liu*, Stephen Daniel DeGloria, Shikui Dong, Robert Beazley. Characterizing the "fragmentation-barrier" effect of road networks on landscape connectivity: A case study in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2010, 95: 122-129.

    [41]Min Yang, Shiliang Liu*, Zhifeng Yang, Tao Sun, Robert Beazley. Multivariate and geostatistical analysis of wetland soil salinity in nested areas of the Yellow River Delta. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 2009, 47(5): 486-497.

    [42]Min Yang, Shiliang Liu*, Zhifeng Yang, Tao Sun, Stephen Daniel DeGloria, Kathleen Holt. Effect on soil properties of conversion of yellow river delta ecosystems. Wetlands, 2009, 29: 1014-1022.

    [43]Baoshan Cui, Hongjuan Zhai, Shikui Dong, Bin Chen, Shiliang Liu. Multivariate analysis of the effects of edaphic and topographical factors on plant distribution in the Yilong Lake Basin of Yun-Gui Plateau, China. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2009, 89: 209-219.

    [44]Yao Huang, Yongqiang Yu, Wen Zhang, Wenjuan Sun, Shiliang Liu, Jun Jiang, Jinshui Wu, Wantai Yu, Yu Wang, Zhaofang Yang. Agro-C: A biogeophysical model for simulating the carbon budget of agroecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2009, 149: 106-129.

    [45]Shiliang Liu*, Yuhong Dong, Minxia Wen, Bin Chen. Quantify the landscape effect and environmental sustainability of rural region planning at town scale near metropolis. Frontiers of Earth Sciences in China, 2009, 3(1): 112-117.

    [46]Zhaoling Zhang, Shiliang Liu*, Shikui Dong, Wei Fu, Baoshan Cui. Spatio-temporal analysis of different levels of road expansion on soil erosion distribution: a case study of Fengqing county, Southwest China. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, 2009, 3(4): 389-396.

    [47]Shiliang Liu*, Baoshan Cui, Shikui Dong, Zhifeng Yang, Min Yang, Kathleen Holt. Evaluating the influence of road networks on landscape and regional ecological risk-a case study in Lancang River Valley of Southwest China. Ecological Engineering, 2008, 34: 91-99.

    [48]Shikui Dong, Baoshan Cui, Zhifeng Yang, Shiliang Liu, Jie Liu, Zongkai Ding,  Jianjun Zhu, Weike Yao, Guoliang Wei. The role of road disturbance in the dispersal and spread of Ageratina adenophora along the Dian-Myanmar international road. Weed Research, 2008, 48: 282-288.

    [49]Juan Wang, Baoshan Cui, Shiliang Liu, Shikui Dong. Effects of road networks on ecosystem service value in the Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(SII): 180-191.

    [50]Hongjuan Zhai, Baoshan Cui, Bo Hu, Guoliang Wei, Shiliang Liu. Regional ecosystem changes under different cascade hydropower dam construction scenarios in LRGR. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(SII): 106-114.

    [51]Shiliang Liu*, Baoshan Cui, Minxia Wen, Juan Wang, Shikui Dong. Statistical regularity of road network features and ecosystem change in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region (LRGR). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(SII): 82-89.

    [52]Minxia Wen, Shiliang Liu*, Baoshan Cui. Research on spatiotemporal change of ecological capacity and driving forces in LRGR. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(SII): 74-81.

    [53]Shikui Dong, Baoshan Cui, Zhifeng Yang, Shiliang Liu, Jie Liu, Juan Wang, Zongkai Ding, Lina Gao, Shuqing Zhao. Species composition, plant cover and diversity of recently reforested wild lands near Dabao highway in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of Yunnan Province, China. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2007, 6: 2810-2820.

    [54]Hongjuan Zhai, Baoshan Cui, Bo Hu, Guoliang Wei, Shiliang Liu. Regional ecosystem changes under different cascade hydropower dam construction scenarios in the LRGR. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52: 106-114.

    [55]Shiliang Liu*, Xudong Guo, Bojie Fu, Gang Lian, Jing Wang. The effect of environmental variables on soil characteristics at different scales in the transition zone of the Loess Plateau in China. Soil Use and Management, 2007, 23: 92-99.

    [56]Yuhong Dong, Zhu Ouyang, Shiliang Liu. Nitrogen transformation in maize soil after application of different organic manures. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17(2): 340-343.

    [57]Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu,, Keming Ma, Yongguan Zhu. Relationships between soil characteristics, topography and plant diversity of heterogeneous deciduous broad-leaved forest near Beijing, China. Plant and Soil, 2004, 261: 47-54.

    [58]Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu, Liding Chen, Yihe Lü, Jun Qiu. Soil quality regime in relation to land cover and slope position across a highly modified slope landscape. Ecological Research, 2004, 19: 111-118.

    [59]Keming Ma, Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu, Wenbin Guan, Guohua Liu, Yihe Lü, Madhur Anand. Multiple-scale soil moisture distribution and its implications for ecosystem restoration in an arid river valley, China. Land Degradation & Development, 2004, 15: 75-85.

    [60]Yihe Lü, Liding Chen, Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu. Entangling the complexity of protected area management: the case of Wolong Biosphere Reserve, Southwestern China. Environmental Management, 2004, 33: 788-798.

    [61]Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu, Yihe Lu, Liding Chen, Keming Ma. Comparing the soil quality changes of different land uses determined by two quantitative methods. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2003, 15(2): 167-172.

    [62]Yihe Lü, Liding Chen, Bojie Fu, Shiliang Liu. A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas: the case of Wolong Biosphere Reserve. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2003, 63: 213-223.

    [63]Shiliang Liu, Bojie Fu, Yihe Lü, Liding Chen. Effects of reforestation and deforestation on soil properties in humid mountainous areas: a case study in Wolong nature reserve, Sichuan province, China. Soil Use and Management, 2002, 18: 376-380.

    [64]Yao Huang, Shiliang Liu, Qirong Shen, Lianggang Zong. Model establishment for simulating soil organic carbon dynamics. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2002, 1(3): 307-312.

    [65]Yao Huang, Shiliang Liu, Qirong Shen, Lianggang Zong, Dingan Jiang, Hongguang Huang. Validation and scenario analysis of a soil organic carbon model. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2002, 1(4): 417-423.

    Social services

    Deputy secretary general of the China Branch of International Association for LandscapeEcology(IALE-China)

    Secretary of the Environmental Geology Branch of Environmental Sciences Association

    Member of the International Society for Ecological restoration

    Member of Ecological Society of China