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  • Contact / Address

    School of Environment, Beijing Normal University,

    Beijing, P. R. China, 100875

    Voice: 010-58807493

    A Brief Introduction

    Dr. Ke Sun is an associate professor and Ph.D Supervisor at School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. Dr. Sun was the winner of the National Outstanding Youth in 2015. She was also enrolled in Beijing Higher Education “Young Elite Teacher Project” in 2013. Dr. Sun’s research group investigates the fate of contaminants in environment. Dr. Sun’s current research includes environmental behavior of biochar and the mechanisms that control the cycling and storage of soil organic carbon. In order to explore the molecular structure and conformation of biochar and natural organic matter as well as their sorption of organic contaminants, she applies the concept and research ideas of environmental geochemistry and combines macroscopic phenomena and microscopic mechanism. The findings are critical to predicting the fate of organic pollutants and their environment risk. They also provide reliable scientific basis for the remediation of soil and groundwater systems and establish management measures of prevention and control of organic pollutants in the environment. Since 2007, she has hosted over 10 national and provincial projects, 4 of which were sponsored by the National Science Foundation of China. She has published over 50 SCI papers in international journals, such as Environmental Science & Technology, Soil Biology Biochemistry, and Bioresource Technology. These papers were cited by other scientists for over 500 times. She is the first author or corresponding author for 27 papers with average IF>4.0. Dr. Sun participated in the compilation of 2 books. She is a member of American Chemical Society (ACS), International Humic Substances Society (IHSS), and Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). She currently serves as an active reviewer for over 10 SCI journals, including Environmental Science & Technology、Scientific Reports、Environmental Pollution、Chemosphere、Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. She is also an editorial board member of Environmental Chemistry.

    Research Interests

    (1)The interaction mechanisms between biochar and contaminants

    (2)Characterization of natural organic matter fractions

    (3)The transport and fate of organic contaminants in environment

    (4)The risk assessment of organic contaminants and heavy metals


    Sep. 2003—Jul. 2007    Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Doctor of Science in Soil Environmental Science

    Sep.2002—Jul. 2003     University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Study for Master Degree

    Sep.1998—Jul. 2002     Henan Polytechnic University

    Bachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering


    Mar.2006 – Sep.2006    Visiting Scholar, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)

    Aug.2009 - Aug.2010   Visiting Scholar, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)

    Feb.2011 – Mar.2011    Visiting Scholar, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)

    Aug.2007 – May.2013   Lecturer, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University

    May.2013 - Present     Associate Professor and Ph.D Supervisor, School of Environment, Beijing Normal



    Postgraduate Student Modules: Soil Environmental Science

    Undergraduate Student Modules: Environmental Geoscience

    Research Experience

    (1)National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation “environmental geochemistry” (2016.01-2018.12)

    (2)“The role of chemical structure and mineral in stabilization of natural organic matter” sponsored by the National Science Foundation of China (2015 - 2018)

    (3)“The survey and compilation of content and distribution of heavy metals in typical water” (2014.5-2018.5)

    (4)“Biochar and natural organic matter and their micro-mechanisms of interaction with hydrophobic organic contaminants” sponsored by the National Science Foundation of China (2013 - 2016)

    (5)“Soil and sediment organic matter from the area of Beijing and Tianjin and their interactions with endocrine disrupting chemicals” sponsored by the National Science Foundation of China (2009 - 2011)

    (6)the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry (2012 - 2014)

    (7)Biochar and natural organic matter and their sorption of phthalic acid esters (2011 - 2013)

    (8)The environmental behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Beijing sewage irrigation area (2011-2012)

    (9)Combined pollution of water body and soil environment in key areas (973 Program) (2007-2011)


    I have published over 50 SCI papers. 21 of the papers are 1st level/TOP papers including 6 papers in Environmental Science & Technology. The IF of 27 papers was over 3.0. Selected publications are listed as below.


    1.Lanfang Han, Ke Sun*, Jie Jin, Baoshan Xing. Some concepts of soil organic carbon characteristics and mineral interaction from a review of literature. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2016, 94: 107-121.

    2.Jie Jin, Mingjie Kang, Ke Sun*, Zezhen Pan, Fengchang Wu, Baoshan Xing. Properties of biochar-amended soils and their sorption of imidacloprid, isoproturon, and atrazine. Science of the Total Environment. 2016, 550: 504-513.

    3.Jie Jin, Ke Sun*, Ziying Wang, Lanfang Han, Fengchang Wu, Baoshan Xing. The effect of compostion on residence time (14C) of soil organic matter fractions from the same soil. Science of the Total Environment. 2016, 541: 92-100.

    4.Ke Sun*, Mingjie Kang, Kyoung S. Ro, Judy A. Libra, Ye Zhao, Baoshan Xing. Variation in sorption of propiconazole with biochars: the effect of temperature, mineral, molecular structure, and nano-porosity. Chemosphere. 2016, 142: 56-63.

    5.Ziying Wang, Lanfang Han, Ke Sun*, Jie Jin, Kyong S. Ro, Judy A. Libra, Xitao Liu, Baoshan Xing. Sorption of four hydrophobic organic contaminants by biochars derived from maize straw, wood dust and swine manure at different pyrolytic temperatures. Chemosphere. 2016, 144: 285-291.


    1.Lanfang Han, Bo Gao*, Xin Wei, Li Gao, Dongyu Xu, Ke Sun*. The characteristic of Pb isotopic compositions in different chemical fractions in sedimetns from Three Gorges Reservior, China. Environmental Pollution. 2015, 206: 627-635.

    2.Mengyi Qiu, Ke Sun*, Jin Jie, Lanfang Han, Haoran Sun, Ye Zhao, Xinghui Xia Fengchagn Wu, Baoshan Xing. Metal/metalloid elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in varous biochars: the effect of feedstock, temperature, minerals, and properties. Environmental Pollution. 2015, 206: 298-305.

    3.Jie Jin, Ke Sun*, Ziying Wang, Lanfang Han, Zezhen Pan, Fengchang Wu, Xitao Liu Ye Zhao, Baoshan Xing. Characterization and phthalate esters sorption of organic matter fractions isolated from soils and sediments. Environmental Pollution. 2015, 206:24-31.


    1.Lanfang Han, Ke Sun*, Jie Jin, Xin Wei, Xinghui Xia, Fengchang Wu, Bo Gao, Baoshan Xing. Role of structure and microporosity in phenanthrene sorption by natureal and engineered organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48(19): 11227-11234. IF:5.481

    2.Mengyi Qiu, Ke Sun*, Jie Jin, Bo Gao, Yu Yan, Lanfang Han, Fengchang Wu, Baoshan Xing. Properties of the plant- and manure-derived biochars and their sorption of dibutyl phthalate and phenanthrene. Scientific Reports. 4, 5295; DOI:10.1038/srep05295 (2014). IF: 5.078.

    3.Dongyu Xu, Ye Zhao, Ke Sun* et al., Cadmium adsorption on plant- and manure-derived biochar and biochar-amended sandy soils: Impact of bulk and surface properties. Chemosphere. 2014, 111: 320-326.

    4.Jie Jin, Ke Sun*, Fengchang Wu et al., Single-Solute and Bi-Solute Sorption of Phenanthrene and Dibutyl Phthalate by Plant- and Manure-Derived Biochars. Science of the Total Environment. 2014, 473-474: 308-316.


    1.Ke Sun*, Mingjie Kang, Zheyu Zhang, Jie Jin, Ziying Wang, Zezhen Pan, Dongyu Xu, Fengchang Wu, Baoshan Xing. Impact of De-Ashing Treatment on Biochars’Structural Properties and Potential Sorption Mechanisms of Phenanthrene. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013, 47(20):11473-11481.

    2.Ke Sun*, Jie Jin, Mingjie Kang, Zheyun Zhang, Zezhen Pan, Ziying Wang, Fengchang Wu, Baoshan Xing. Isolation and Characterization of Different Organic Matter Fractions from a Same Soil Source and Their Phenanthrene Sorption. Environmental Science & Technology. 2013, 47(10): 5138–5145.

    3.Bo Gao, Peng Wang, Huaidong Zhou, Zheyun Zhang, Fengchang Wu, Jie Jin, Mingjie Kang, Ke Sun*. Sorption of phthalic acid esters in two kinds of landfill leachates by the carbonaceous sorbents. Bioresource Technology. 2013,136: 295-301.

    4.Ke Sun, Yong Ran, Yu yang, Baoshan Xing, Jingdong Mao. Interaction Mechanism of Benzene and Phenanthrene in Condensed Organic Matter: Importance of Adsorption (Nanopore-Filling). Geoderma. 2013, 204-205: 68-74.

    5.Guixiang Zhang, Xitao Liu*, Ke Sun, Qiusheng He, Tianwei Qian, Yulong Yan. Interactions of simazine, metsulfuron-methyl and tetracycline with biochars and soil as a function of molecular structure. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2013, 13: 1600-1610.


    1.Ke Sun*, Zheyun Zhang, Bo Gao et al., Adsorption of diuron, fluridone and norflurazon on single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Science of the Total Environment. 2012,439(15):1-7.

    2.Ke Sun, Jie Jin, Marco Keiluweit, Markus Kleber, Ziying Wang, Zezhen Pan, Baoshan Xing. Polar and aliphatic domains regulate sorption of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) to biochars. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 118, 120-127.

    3.Ke Sun, Bo Gao, Kyoung S. Ro, Jeff Novak, Ziying Wang, Stephen Herbert, and Baoshan Xing. Assessment of herbicide sorption by biochars and organic matter associated with soil and sediment. Environmental Pollution. 2012, 163:167-173.

    4.Ke Sun*, Jie Jin, Bo Gao et al., Sorption of 17α-ethinyl estradiol, bisphenol A and phenanthrene to different size fractions of soil and sediment. Chemosphere. 2012, 88: 577-583.

    5.Guixiang Zhang, Xitao Liu*, Ke Sun, Feng He, Ye Zhao, and Chunye Lin. Competitive sorption of metsulfuron-methyl and tetracycline on corn straw biochars. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2012, 41(6): 1906-1915.


    1.Ke Sun, Marco Keiluweit, Markus Kleber, Zezhen Pan, Baoshan Xing. Sorption of fluorinated herbicides to plant biomass-derived biochars as a function of molecular structure. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102:9897-9903.

    2.Ke Sun, Kyoung Ro, Mingxin Guo, Jeff Novak, Hamid Mashayekhi, Baoshan Xing. Sorption of bisphenol A, 17α-ethinyl estradiol and phenanthrene on thermally and hydrothermally produced biochars. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(10): 5757-5763.

    3.Zheyun Zhang, Ke Sun*, Bo Gao, Guixiang Zhang, Xitao Liu, Ye Zhao. Adsorption of Tetracycline on Soil and Sediment: Effects of pH and the Presence of Cu(II). Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2011, 190(1-3): 856-862.

    4.Xitao Liu, Wei Zhao, Ke Sun, Guixiang Zhang, Ye Zhao. Dechlorination of PCBs in the simulative transformer oil by microwave-hydrothermal reaction with zero-valent iron involved. Chemosphere. 2011, 82: 773-777.

    5.Guixiang Zhang, Qing Zhang, Ke Sun, Xitao Liu, Wenjuan Zheng, Ye Zhao. Sorption of simazine to corn straw biochars prepared at different pyrolytic temperatures. Environmental Pollution. 2011, 159: 2594-2601.


    1.Ke Sun*, Bo Gao, Zheyun Zhang, Guixiang Zhang, Ye Zhao, Baoshan Xing. Sorption of Atrazine and Phenanthrene by Organic Matter Fractions in Soil and Sediment. Environmental Pollution. 2010, 158(12):3520-3526.

    2.Ke Sun*, Bo Gao, Zheyun Zhang, Guixiang Zhang, Xitao Liu, Ye Zhao, Baoshan Xing. Sorption of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals by Condensed Organic Matter in Soils and Sediments. Chemosphere. 2010, 80(7):709-715.

    3.Fei Wang, Jun Yao, Ke Sun, Baoshan Xing. Adsorption of Dialkyl Phthalate Esters on Carbon Nanotubes. Environmental Science & Technology. 2010, 44(18): 6985–6991.

    4.Pan B, Sun K, Xing BS. Adsorption kinetics of 17a-ethinyl estradiol and bisphenol A on carbon nanomaterials. II. Concentration-dependence. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2010, 10(5):845-854.

    2009 and before

    1.Ke Sun*, Ye Zhao, Bo Gao, Xitao Liu, Zheyun Zhang, Baoshan Xing. Organochlorine pesticides and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in irrigated soils of Beijing, China: Levels, inventory and fate. Chemosphere. 2009, 77(9):1199-1205.

    2.Yong Ran*, Ke Sun, Baoshan Xing, Chengde Shen. Characterization of Condensed Organic Matters in Soils and Sediments. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2009, 73(2): 351-359.

    3.Bo Gao, Ying Liu, Ke Sun, Xirong Liang, Ping’an Peng, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu. Precise determination of cadmium and Lead isotopic compositions in river sediments. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2008, 612(1): 114–120.

    4.Ke Sun, Yong Ran, Yu Yang, Baoshan Xing. Sorption of Phenanthrene by Nonhydrolyzable Organic Matter from Different Size Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology. 2008, 42(6):1961-1966.

    5.Yong Ran*, Ke Sun, Yu Yang, Baoshan Xing, Eddy Y. Zeng. Strong Sorption of Phenanthrene by Condensed Organic Matters in Soils and Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology. 2007, 41(11): 3952-3958.

    6.Yong Ran*, Ke Sun, Xiaoxuan Ma, Guohui Wang, Peter Grathwohl, Eddy Y. Zeng. Effect of condensed organic matter on solvent extraction and aqueous leaching of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils and sediments. Environmental Pollution. 2007, 148(2): 529-538.

    * Corresponding author

    2. Books

    (1)   Natural organic matter and its significance in the environment,Science Press, 2009.

    (2)   天然有机质及其与污染物的相互作用,地质出版社,2010.

    (Natural organic matter and its interaction with pollutants, Geological Publishing House, 2010)

    Professional Societies

    Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Member, International Humic Substances Society (IHSS)

    Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)

    Reviewer for journals including ES&T, Scientific Reports, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Water Research, Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environment, ET&C, Journal of Hazardous Materials